Party lighting is easy with a few Laser Starfield Projectors

lance party lasers









Here are some examples of how to to spice up a party with laser starfield projectors from LasersandLights and others.
These lasers can also be rented for parties, weddings, school dances and any event. 

sparkles at lances

This Spring event is what one Burning Man theme camp did to host a party while waiting for their annual reunion with playa. Notice how this fast moving Starry Starry Night Laser Projector makes this fireworks like explosive view on the walls as the beams race through their pattern. This is a very different effect from the popular BlissLights that move very slowly and also have a moving Blue LED cloudfield.

douglas hooper lance party lasers 2









Outdoors the laser beams become three dimensional where they pass through smoke or fog. 

douglas hooper lance party lasers


Watch party goers get covered with colorful moving laser beams that keeps the energy moving.

ilka lance indoor party









Light up the dance floor for special effects that everyone loves.

Create other dimensions in space with these holographic laser projectors.

douglas hooper lance party lasers pole









Even the pole dancer takes on new proportions



~ by on April 29, 2015.

2 Responses to “Party lighting is easy with a few Laser Starfield Projectors”

  1. This is a really neat idea. Shaping light into many different designs and colors is exciting and new. Learning more about the options it offers really would help me figure out what I want to do for my next dance party.

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