BlissLights Experiences –Testimonials of healing and soothing experiences for autism, birthing and passing away with peace

Here are testimonials about the soothing energies experienced from the BlissLights Laser Starfield Projectors. According the the BlissLights designer, the complex and soothing movement of the Bliss 50, and others to a lesser degree, is so complex that the analytical side of the brain cannot “figure it out”, so it becomes suppressed and the subjective brain is absorbed in the experience, like watching a campfire or crashing waves. This constantly changing movement is quieting to the mind and helps the viewer relax into a resting state of mind without discipline or dogma.

Read about a mother’s recent battle with cancer and how a BlissLight helped comfort and calm her mother.
Then read how a family was helped with an autistic child and a joyous birth.

~Bliss 15 brings soothing peace to a woman in her final days

“My mother was in very lovely surroundings at the Hospice Center. They had no private rooms, so she was sharing with another woman who was in better health. Every evening, I turned on the BlissLight 15 and left it on all night. My mother would gaze at the ceiling with a smile on her face. She loved it. Her roommate loved it and the nursing staff came in to sit as they felt the calming influence of the light as well.
All of the hospice staff commented on the light and wanted more information as soon as it was available. Family of other residents came in the room, wondering where they “could get one of those.” The response was overwhelming, but most of all, the BlissLight calmed my mother. When she woke in the middle of the night, she gazed at the walls and ceiling. She could no longer speak, but her eyes said all. I am sure she thought she was in heaven, and now she is. Thank you for providing us with something to make her last days more pleasant. It truly was a beautiful experience for all who were there with us. It made her room
seem heavenly and peaceful.”

killpack family testimonial~An 8 year old Autistic child and his family find peace with BlissLights

Nearly any sleep-deprived parent knows what a chore it can be to get children to sleep at night, and when a family is gifted with the unique needs of an autistic child, finding appropriate sensory experiences takes a bit of out-of-the-box thinking. The Killpack family knows first-hand of the special challenges of parenting an autistic child. After months of trying to help their 8 year-old son sleep peacefully, the Killpack family was exhausted. And with a growing family, Mrs. Killpack was desperate for a solution.
Shirley, a BlissLights dealer, shared a BlissLights BL-15 with the Killpacks and for the first time in months, their son slept peacefully through the night. Dad, Ben says, “As far as my son goes, he has to have it on each night when he goes to sleep. He doesn’t complain or throw his usual temper tantrums once it’s on. It has been wonderful!”

~BlissLight joins mother in birthing

The Killpacks were so impressed with the calming effect, that when the time came, the Bliss -15 went to the labor and delivery room to help welcome little Savannah into the world.
Ben writes, “Shirley, I just thought I’d thank you once again, especially on behalf of my wife, for the star light fixture you gave me at Christmas. My wife used it during labor and delivery of my daughter just a couple of weeks ago and she said it was the most soothing thing she had with her. It calmed her to the point of being able to sleep after all the pain and exhaustion. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

~ by on May 19, 2010.

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